Axe Throwing League Dates

    • 7 weeks of play & 8th week is a tournament
  • Axe Throwing League Times
    • Practice session every week from 6: 30-7: 00 pm
    • League play begins at 7 pm and ends at 8 pm

League Pricing

  • Price for Season:
    • Standard League: $135
    • Dual / Big Axe League: $125

*Deposit: 50% of league fees + taxes


  • 2 free 1-hour individual walk-in sessions (separate visits)
  • 1 Free T-Shirt

Standard Leagues Explained

Dual Leagues Explained


What should I wear?

Throwers MUST wear closed toed shoes and wear comfortable clothes.

How can I pay?

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX are gladly accepted.

Can my friends come to watch league play?

Yes, as long as we have enough room in our facilities

Can I bring my own axe?

Yes as long as it complies with the WATL standards (link). If you don’t have your own, we’ve got you covered.

What are the official rules?

Check out the video to the right for official WATL rules

World Axe Throwing League Rules

Do you still have questions? Visit the WATL’s official rules page by clicking here.


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